Thank you Laura for nominating me for this award 😍 Please check out her blog because it’s really great!
The blog rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
- Share 5 facts about yourself.
- Nominate some bloggers and notify them of their nomination.
- Keep the rules in your post so everyone knows what to do.
Five facts about me:
- I love The Walking Dead… Daryl Dixon rocks my world and that’s the way I like it! And I’m going to see him in February at WalkerStalker Con
- I’m really into Studio Ghibli films and have a Totoro pillow on my couch ☺️
- I love Dwayne Johnson. I think he’s pretty much everything that’s right with the world lol. And if you’ve seen the movie in this meme you’ll understand why…
- I’m a super Harry Potter fan (no duh) and I’ve been to visit the Warner Brothers studio in London which is undoubtably one of the best days out you’ll ever have. Yeah that’s the knight bus and yeah that’s a butter beer lol.
- I’m currently reading (and have nearly finished after a day and a half) Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas. Read this series. No, seriously, read it!
My nominations:
You don’t have to do it if you don’t want but if you do then have fun! 😊xoxo