I was tagged to do this by Melanie so thank you! This looks fun and a little daunting but here goes nothing…
This tag was created by a little bookish a little writerly and the rules are listed there!
1. When did you first start writing? Was being a writer something you always wanted to do?
I first started writing my Cage of Lies books in August 2013 but have been writing on and off since I was a kid. I always wanted to be a writer and it was something I always just said and bpnever really did much about so one day I just decided to stop talking about it and stat doing it!
So far Dystopia but I have an apocalyptic series running around in my head which will probably follow and I’d love to do fantasy one day too!
3. Can you tell us a little about your current work in progress? When did you start working on this project?
I’m currently working on Broken, the third instalment of my Cage of Lies saga. I’m in more of an editing stage with it than all out writing and as it’s the third book I won’t give too much away but this one is emotionally more difficult than the others. Maya, my protagonist, is dealing with a lot of difficult issues in her personal life as well as the ongoing struggles that run throughout the series. I’ve been working on the series for a few years but can’t be sure exactly when I started in this book!
4. What was your first piece that you can remember writing? What was it about?
The first piece I can actually remember writing was a fantasy with lots of dragons and people who lived in cities in the clouds. It started off with this little hermit guy who was guarding a town in the middle of the city. Some people came and kidnapped a girl from the town and killed the hermit… I didn’t finish it but maybe one day I’ll find it and see if there’s anything there that I can use going forward lol
5. What’s the best part about writing?
I get go on an adventure every day!
6. What’s the worst part about writing?
Killing off characters you love because the plot demands it 😭
7. What’s the name of your favourite character and why? (This can be from another author or your own work. Book crushes are perfectly acceptable here as well.)
Today, it’s Harry Potter I don’t have to tell you why because you already know!
8. How much time a day/week do you get to write? When is the best time for you to write (morning or night)?
Time of day doesn’t make much difference to me. I tend to write when I get in from work in the evenings or on my days off and I’ll squeeze some into my lunch breaks too. When I’m in all out writing mode I have a minimum of 2000 words a day to write but on my days off I make that 8000 and I’ve managed 12000 a few times ☺️
9. Did you go to college for writing? Or if you haven’t been to college yet, do you plan to?
I didn’t. I don’t think it matters as I think writing is a passion and you can either do it or you can’t. Everyone’s routes to it are different but for me college wasn’t part of my journey.
10. What bothers you more: spelling errors, punctuation errors or grammar errors?
They all bother me but I’d go for grammar because I can’t bear it when people get their there and they’re muddled – it sets my teeth on edge!
11. What is the best writing advice that anyone has given you?
Write what you love. If you love the story you are trying to tell then you will get it written, edited and out there. If you don’t love it you’ll lose momentum along the way…
12. What advice would you give to another writer?
Write the book you want to read. Don’t try and please anyone else, don’t compromise your vision and when you finish it you’ll be proud of it!
13. What are your favourite writing sites or blogs that you turn to for help, tips or encouragements?
To be honest I’ve never used any 😕 I just do what feels natural and I have my sister to discuss any issues with or offer encouragement!
14. Besides writing, what else do you enjoy doing? What are your hobbies?
Reading lol I love working out and watching movies and playing video games if I get the chance too.
15. What is the best book you’ve read this year?
Ahhhh this is so hard but I think Queen of Shadows pips it for me!
16. What is the best movie you’ve seen this year?
Ahhh this is hard too 😬 maybe the new Terminator as that sounds out in my mind
17. What is your favourite book or series of all time?
I don’t know I don’t know! I’m going for Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and the Twilight saga oh and Lord of the Rings and probably more too because I have too many!
18. Who is your favourite author?
I can’t pick. If I do a list it will have more than ten names on it so I just won’t lol
19. What are your plans for the rest of the year in terms of your writing?
I’ll be editing and trying to release Broken and I think I’ll try to write and release another novella called Embers (I can’t give away anything about that one for spoilers lol)
20. Where else can we find you online?
Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and my books are available on Amazon 😊
I’m just nominating any authors out there who would like to do this, I’d love to head your answers too! Xoxo