Thank you Laura for nominating me! Check out her blog because it’s awesome ☺️
The Rules:
- Put the award logo on your blog
- Answer the 7 question set by the person who nominated you and create 7 new ones
- Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blog
- Nominate however many people you like, linking to their blogs
- Let them know you nominated them
Laura’s questions for me:
1. Do you read non-fiction books? If so which one is your favourite?
Harry Potter is based on real events right? 😁 If not then my answer is no… I like a bit of escapism so I don’t really read non-fiction but I like some historical fiction which has factual elements to it so maybe that counts!
2. Do you like open endings or not?
I like a bit of both. I do like to have major issues dealt with and if there is a relationship brewing I at least want to see one kiss! But I don’t mind having a few lose ends that leave various options open to the characters – that way I can just make up an ending for them that pleases me lol
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be an author! My book is out soon so maybe my dreams will come true 😍
4. Your favourite animal is…
Tapirs rock my world! I could explain why but I know you know, just look at how squishy he is 😍
5. Mention 3 book pet peeves (if you have any)
1. Random deaths. I’m not talking deaths in general but if a main character is killed off for no good reason and it doesn’t progress the story or need to happen for any reason it drives me nuts. 2. Characters without a backbone (male or female) in relationships. I want them to stand up for who they are and to be loved for it or not, no sappy puppy eyes for me please! 3. Killing the dog. If there’s a dog IT DOESNT DIE or I’m out and I’m angry 😡
6. Do you play any musical instruments?
I’m very proficient in the art of loudly singing in the car just like Beyoncé 😂
7. How many languages do you speak?
One 😪 I’m in awe of people who can speak multiple languages but sadly I’m not one of them
The questions for my nominees are:
- Which book character would you want to meet and why?
- Which book do you wish they’d adapt into a movie or TV series?
- Who is your favourite author?
- Which Disney character would you be?
- Do you have any pets and if so what?
- Is there any book that you would change the ending of and how if you would?
- What’s your idea of a perfect night in/out?
My nominees are:
And anyone else who would like to do it 😊xoxo