I was nominated for this award by Kirstysbookshelf. Thank you so much for my nomination! You should check out her blog because it’s really great 😊
The rules for this blog are…
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Answer the questions from your nominater
- Nominate eleven other bloggers for the award and give them eleven questions to answer
My answers:
1. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
I’d love to see the Great Barrier Reef, but then I’ve always wanted to do Route 66 too so I’m torn 😁
2. What book made you fall in love with reading?
Lord of the Rings! My dad used to read it to me when I was waaay too young for it and I loved it. It was the first ‘big book’ I ever read on my own when I was nine and I remember lugging this huge copy of it to and from school for reading time every day. I think it took me the best part of a year to finish on my own but after that I was hooked on books for life!
3. Do you have any pets? If so what?
I have two cats and two dogs. All rescues and all boys – I’m very outnumbered in my house! Here’s a photo of them posing on the stairs…
4. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
I don’t think I’d be able to live without a Cheeky Nandos!
5. You’re trapped on a desert island and only have one book, one film and one cd. What would each be?
Ahhhh this is torture! I think (and this could be completely different if you asked me tomorrow) I’d have to have Harry Potter (please let me have the whole series 😇 but if not I’d go for Half Blood Prince – probably). Then I think I’d want Jurrasic Park and I’d take Miley Cyrus Bangers because she always makes me smile!
6.What’s the best book you’ve read this year?
Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas. I’m fangirling so hard for this series and can’t wait for the next instalment in September – I think I’ve triple checked my pre order on Amazon 500 times to make sure it’s definitely coming😆
7. What’s the worst book you’ve read this year and why?
This is tough because I don’t generally dislike anything I just like some things more than others lol. But I would say Vengence by Amy Miles. This is a big spoiler but basically everything was going terribly wrong, she lost her leg, was stuck in an awful prison, everyone she loves dies…. And then they magically go back in time to less than half way into the first book and go ‘damn everything went terribly, let’s make some different choices so that doesn’t happen’ and that’s how it ends which to me meant that everything I read was pointless as it will now never happen and as it was the end of the series it’s not like I’ll ever find out what happened with them making these other choices 😡
8. Do you have a favourite band/musician?
Again I find it hard to pick favourites but my top few would be Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and Eminem 🎶
9. Do you have a book you would love to see turned into a movie or TV series?
I’d love to see the Throne of Glass series made into probably a TV series. If they did it on the level they did Game of Thrones I think it would be immense
10. What’s your party trick?
I can reliably incorrectly guess the sex of any pregnant woman’s baby. 100% of the time, I’m wrong 😊
11. Other than reading, what else do you like to do?
I’m a bit of a gym geek, I love to work out while binge watching TV series. I like going to the cinema, taking naps at my friends’ houses and fan girling over many many things!
My nominations are…
- Tellingyarns
- Tpolen
- Ashley B. Davis
- Dee Connell
- Lucycatten
- Juliapike
- Savitalksxoxo
- Gary Dorion
- Tamaclagan
- Airi
- Carolinepeckham
And my questions are…
- If you could be one book character who would you be and why?
- Which Hogwarts house would you be in and who would be your favourite teacher?
- Would you rather spend your life on a spaceship bound for a new world or stay behind in the ruins of earth?
- Do you think you would survive a zombie apocalypse and what would be your tactic?
- Would you rather have a pet dragon or magical powers?
- What’s your favourite book and why?
- Who would you cast to play you in a movie of your life?
- What are you counting down the days on your calendar for?
- Which bad guy were you secretly hoping would win?
- If you were cursed and turned into an animal, what would you want to be and why?
- Which book world would you want to live in?
Have fun with it guys 😊 xoxo